Capitalization process underway as part of the nature conservation programme in north macedonia – exit phase
One of the components of the Nature Conservation Programme’s (NCP) exit phase, that will be implemented with a participative approach, is focused on capitalization of the results from the two previous phases. This component will intensify the cooperation between the partners, selected stakeholders and processes, and will ensure further strengthening of the ownership of NCP results by the partners and selected stakeholders.

The introductory workshop on capitalization of the results was held on 3 and 4 November 2021 in Hotel Manastir in Berovo, with participation of representatives of 14 stakeholders and partnership organisations of NCP that were active in the implementation of activities in the previous two phases. Jane Carter, representative of the Helvetas partnership organization, first presented the concept of capitalization, after which an overview was made of the most significant achievements and outcomes of the previous NCP phases implemented in the 2011-2020 period, while in the second half of the workshop specific themes were selected to develop various approaches applicable to the target groups.

As a part of the capitalization process, on 4 and 5 November 2021 the NCP project team and the Helvetas representative organized several visits in the region and held meetings with various stakeholders which were supported within NCP, in order to identify the most important outcomes and lessons learned from the programme implementation.

This component was implemented by the NCP coordinator Farmahem, in cooperation with Helvetas, as a backstopper.