
July 2016

Promotion and Marketing of Sustainable Agricultural Practices


One of the objectives of the NCP is improvement of local population’s socio-economic status, and at the same time reduce detrimental impact on the environment through promotion and application of sustainable agricultural practices. So far the NCP has supported pilot-activities for sustainable production of rice and honey, while 19 persons received adequate training and support.

The NCP will continue to promote these initiatives with the active engagement of more interested parties, and in addition there will be marketing strategies as a first step towards providing a market for sustainably-produced produce.

Documentation Pool


In order to provide user-friendly access for stakeholders to all existing documents related to nature conservation, environmental protection and sustainable development in Bregalnica region, as well as documents developed as part of the Nature Conservation Programme in Macedonia, a documentation pool has been established, which is regularly updated.

On the following link you can access the documentation pool prepared as part of NCP: Documents


Jавен повик за „Спроведување на специфична кампања во Источен плански регион за придобивки од прогласување на заштитени подрачја“

Closing date : 28.07.2016  Reference No.0507‐280/2/2016 Во рамки на Програмата за зачувување на природата во Македонија, Центарот за развој на Источен плански...
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Programme and Partners


For successful implementation and sustainability of the Nature Conservation Programme in Macedonia it is necessary to implement continuous activities for strengthening technical, methodological, communication and management capacities of the Programme’s partners in the field of nature conservation.

One of the Programme objectives is to support the strategic partner – the Center for Development of the East Planning Region – through capacity building so that it can become recognized in future as a leader for nature conservation in the region.

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