
Agreement on Development of a National Strategy for Nature Protection Signed


Agreement on Development of a National Strategy for Nature Protection was signed on 29/07/2015 (Wednesday) in the premises of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning. The Agreement was signed between the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, the company “GEOMAP” DOO – Skopje as the winning bidder in the tender procedure and Farmahem as Programme Coordinator of the Nature Conservation Programme in Macedonia. According to the Agreement, apart from National Strategy for Nature Protection, it is also expected that a Study on the Status of Geodiversity and Geological Heritage in Macedonia is to be developed.

The development of a National Strategy for Nature Protection is carried out within the Nature Conservation Programme in Macedonia as one of the activities implemented on national level.

The implementation of this activity is of particular importance for the Republic of Macedonia having regard to the fact that this document is hierarchically the most significant strategic document for nature protection which shall provide the bases, guidelines and trends for further activities in this field, and at the same time it will ensure a more efficient implementation of the national legislation on nature protection and harmonisation with the EU legislation.

The National Strategy for Nature Protection is a commitment arising from the national legislation in accordance with the Law on Nature Protection. The Strategy will be in force for a period of 10 years and it includes long-term policy basis for nature protection. The Strategy for Nature Protection will give a brief summary of the vision, core objectives and strategic commitments for nature protection and it will represent an integrated framework based on several strategic components and approaches.


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