Study visit to Greece to learn about state of ecosystems and ecosystem services
The Nature Conservation Programme in North Macedonia (NCP) organized a study visit to Greece between 28 and 30 September. The goal of the trip was to acquaint the participants with the methodology for ecosystem and ecosystem services assessment and their practical implementation in the field.
During the three working days the participants visited several different types of ecosystems along the Nestos River valley and on Falakro Mountain, where they gathered data about flat riparian forests, deciduous forests, coniferous forests, high mountain pastures, ecosystems with sparse vegetation, heaths and bushy ecosystems.
The study visit is part of the capacity building plan for various stakeholders for the concept of ecosystem services as part of the Nature Conservation Programme (NCP), a project by the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency (SDC) and coordinated by Farmahem from Skopje, and was attended by representatives of various stakeholders.