
Campaign underway to proclaim Оsogovo Мountains a protected landscape

The Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning in cooperation with the Macedonian Ecological Society, the Public Enterprise National Forests and the municipalities in the future protected area launched a campaign to proclaim the Osogovo Mountains a protected landscape.

The aim of the campaign is to inform the public about the meaning of a “protected area”, how the natural values can be conserved and how there could be economic benefits from protected areas. The campaign will last four weeks and through videos, photo testimonials and other promotional material you will be able to get to know the Osogovo region better and learn why Osogovo deserves and needs to be protected. The campaign will cover topics on natural values, biodiversity, tourism, hiking, culture and traditions in Osogovo, and share important information about the future protected area.

The campaign is supported by the Nature Conservation Programme in North Macedonia (NCP), a project of the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency (SDC), coordinated by Farmahem – Skopje.

For a protected Osogovo as we want to see it: clean, green and developed!

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