Regular Meeting of Working Group for Development of Pilot RFMP for the Maleshevo Region
On 21 and 22 August 2019 the Municipality of Berovo hosted the fourth meeting of the working group for development of the pilot regional forest management plan for the Maleshevo region (RFMP).
The meeting was opened by Berovo Mayor Zvonko Pekevski, who greeted the participants and reiterated his support to the participatory approach to developing such a document that would contribute for comprehensive and multifunctional forest management in the Maleshevo region. At the meeting the working group members had the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the draft RFMP for the Maleshevo region and make suggestions to improve it.
They also discussed and developed an action plan that would be an integral part of the RFMP for the Maleshevo region as well as a plan for communication with various stakeholders.