
Kochani Municipality with Certificate of Appreciation to Farmahem for long-term support to Bregalnica Region in preservation of natural values

On the occasion of 7 September – Kochani Liberation Day and 75 years of the liberation of the town of Kochani, the Municipal Council of Kochani awarded the highest municipal awards at a formal session. The award for important achievements in the development of Kochani was given to the Swiss Embassy for the construction of the waste water treatment plant in Kochani.

A certificate of appreciation for long-term support to the Bregalnica Region in preservation of natural values and promotion of sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development was awarded to Farmahem as coordinator of the Nature Conservation Progamme in North Macedonia (NCP), a project supported by the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency (SDC). Awards and certificates of appreciation were awarded to individuals, companies and civil organizations that have contributed to the development of the municipality of Kochani.

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