Ponikva tourist info centre opening
The Nature Conservation Programme in Macedonia with its partners joined the celebration of 27 September, International Day of Tourism, and on this occasion the Ponikva tourist information centre was launched in the Osogovo Mountains, near Kocani.
The tourist info centre will contribute to the promotion of natural and cultural values and expansion of the tourist offer in the East Planning Region by integrating it in the already well-known tourist attractions. This tourist info centre is regional, because the tourists coming to Ponikva will be able to get information about the tourist offer not only in Osogovo, but in the East Planning Region as well.
The visitors will have the opportunity to interactively learn about the tourist offer in EPR, to hold open-air lectures, enjoy the beautiful views of the Osogovo Mountains and hold meetings, workshops and other events in the room specially designed for this purpose. Also, on the website www.osogovo.mk tourists can monitor live the situation in Ponikva and get information about current temperatures, humidity, wind speed and direction, and precipitation.
The Poinkva tourist info centre was supported by the Nature Conservation Programme in Macedonia, project of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), coordinated by Farmahem – Skopje.