The project is implemented by Milieukontakt – Macedonia. The project is focused on sustainable management of natural resources and conservation of biodiversity and geodiversity in the Municipality of Pehchevo. The main objective of the project is to create conditions for sustainable management of natural resources in the Municipality of Pehchevo.
The project is implemented by Milieukontakt – Macedonia. The project is focused on sustainable management of natural resources and conservation of biodiversity and geodiversity in the Municipality of Pehchevo. The main objective of the project is to create conditions for sustainable management of natural resources in the Municipality of Pehchevo.
The specific objectives are the following:
- Within a year, to identify and mark the biodiversities on three selected locations in Municipality of Pehchevo;
- By the end of 2015 to provide easy access to the locations “Judovi Livadi”, “Golemo Oro” and “Vrtena Skala”;
- To provide positive examples and promotion of alternative methods of transport in the Municipality of Pehchevo;
- By the end of 2015, to train at least 5 local guides for promotion of tourist attractions and natural amenities;
- To prepare and implement a campaign for promotion, public awareness raising and protection of natural resources in the municipality of Pehchevo.
Activities implemented within the project:
- Information were collected on all three locations (Judovi Livadi where there is an insect-eating plant, Delibovi Kashchi and Vrtena Skala). All available information in printed publications and maps were reviewed and inaccurate information and errors were detected and accordingly corrected.
- The trail was marked and locations along the trail identified, together with with trail trimming, repairing parts of the road, adjusting pedestrian and bike trail;
- A map with toponyms of the trail was produced;
- Six (6) signpost were set up alongside the trail, as well as information boards (4) about the trail and the various locations;
– A workshop for learners and citizens of the municipality of Pehchevo was organized on servicing and permanent maintenance of bikes;
– Total of 800 flyers with information about the locations and trail map were produced and printed;
– Seven local guides trained about the nature in Municipality of Pehchevo were elected by the Council of Municipality of Pehchevo;
– A body of three members for monitoring the implementation of the project was established. It will monitor the implementation of activities that are part of the project and draft the necessary reports.
– A website as well as Facebook page were developed in order to promote both, the project and the trail.
– Two garbage bins were placed at each of the three locations;
– In order to educate the youth 4 workshops were organized aimed at involving the youth in the project implementation;
– A competition for the best literary work, photo and drawing was organized for the students of municipal primary school Vancho Kitanov from Pehchevo;
– A picnic was organized at the location of “Judovi Livadi” with representatives of the media and tour-operators from the region in order to promote the bike trail and the local guides on nature;
– A video recording was produced in order to prepare a promotional video record of the bike trail;
-Two events were organized for promotion of the project and the project results.