The project “Installing a facade for thermal insulation in kindergarten Goce Delchev in the municipality of VInica” is implemented by the Association of Women Farmers AGRO-VINKA from Vinica, in partnership with Goce Delchev kindergarten, and it relates to use of renewable energy sources and environmentally friendly practices, as well as energy saving techniques. The timeframe for implementation of this project is 7 months.
These are the results from the installing of the thermal facade:
- up to 20% less costs for supply of wooden pellets for heating and reduced production of byproducts (ash) from combusted pellets, as well as reduced environmental pollution caused by these products.
- up to 30% lower electricity consumption due to the reduced use of air-conditioning;
- public awareness raised about nature conservation.
Activities implemented within the project:
An analysis was prepared for the facility which is to be insulated and two roundtables, i.e. lectures were organized for the technical personnel about “Energy Efficient Facilities” in both kindergartens in the town of Vinica.
Ten workshops were organized, intended for children from the big groups in order to educate the youngest members of the society about renewable sources of energy and energy efficiency.
A reconstruction of the kindergarten facade was carried out in parallel to the installation of the thermal facade, thus creating better working conditions for the children and employees in the kindergarten.
The results of the project were officially presented on September 30, 2015 in Vinica to the representatives of Nature Conservation Programme, the mayor of the municipality of Vinica and the project partners.