The Project is being implemented by the Association of Women Farmers “AGRO-VINKA” from Vinica, and it is implemented in four municipalities – Vinica, Kochani, Zrnovci and Cheshinovo – Obleshevo.
The activities are carried out in rural areas in which the population mostly grows wheat crops.
The objectives to be achieved with the implementation of this project are as follows:
- To conserve biodiversity and soil structure in rural areas, more specifically in the fields where wheat crops are grown.
- To raise awareness among farmers who grow wheat crops concerning harmful consequences of burning crop waste after harvesting.
- To conserve biodiversity, to protect the soil and microorganisms which degrade and mineralize the organic matter from harvest waste. These live in the surface layer of soil and burning completely destroys them. Everything, including small fauna present in this layer of the soil is destroyed to the depth of 5 cm.
- To protect the birds which live in the fields in this region,
- To reduce the quantity of mineral fertilizers used which additionally pollute the soil, nature and ground water and compromise biodiversity.Activities implemented since the beginning of the project:– 15 round tables were organized on which recommendations were presented on alternative methods for dealing with harvest waste, such as ploughing harvest waste immediately after the harvest, mulching, production of briquettes, using the straw as a feed for ruminants with prior treatment with urea.- Four focus farms have been identified on which the farmers were educated, and they implemented the recommendations given by the consultants concerning treatment of harvest waste. Raw materials for activities to be implemented on the farms have been procured and the monitoring plan is prepared.