This project was implemented by the National Association of Private Forest Owners and it was implemented from 25.12.2014 to 25.10.2015. The objective of the project is directly to influence the awareness raising among private forest owners.
This project was implemented by the National Association of Private Forest Owners and it was implemented from 25.12.2014 to 25.10.2015. The objective of the project is directly to influence the awareness raising among private forest owners. First, through practical observation of the terrain for consequences from forest fires and erosion processes, and afterwards through educational activities, the project will directly raise the awareness of the local population, of the youth – future owners of private forests, about the values, the significance and conservation of forests and forest ecosystems. Thus the project will contribute to improving forest quality and to increasing the economic benefits for the rural population, since they will be able to use the other benefits and resources from the forests, and not only the wood.
Activities implemented within the project:
- Trial areas were set up in places foreseen for that purpose, these have been monitored and a comparative analysis was made concerning the obtained results;
- Two two-day trainings were organized for private forest owners in order to underline the significance of sustainable forest management;
- One workshop was organized at the experimental plot intended for private forest owners;
- Four interactive one-day workshops were organized for students to raise their awareness about forest significance;
- An educational flyer was printed and distributed to target groups;
- Project results were presented at a Forum, attended by Association’s members, as well as relevant representatives of the involved parties: PE Macedonian Forests, regional units of ministries and municipalities.