Educational hiking trail for presenting the nature in the Bregalnica region

This project, implemented by OHO will use different informal education practices in order to teach learners about the nature and biodiversity in the Bregalnica region. An awareness raising campaign is implemented in parallel to this and the educational institutions from the region are involved through various activities (they actively participate in the development of the campaign, of the educational trail etc.). The general objective of the project is to conserve nature in the Bregalnica region.

This project, implemented by OHO will use different informal education practices in order to teach learners about the nature and biodiversity in the Bregalnica region. An awareness raising campaign is implemented in parallel to this and the educational institutions from the region are involved through various activities (they actively participate in the development of the campaign, of the educational trail etc.). The general objective of the project is to conserve nature in the Bregalnica region.

The specific objectives are as follows:

  • To increase the interest among young children for active participation in research and learning about nature and biodiversity through the development of an educational hiking trail;
  • To promote educational practices for education about the nature – learning in nature;
  • To raise public awareness of children and of the public in general, through field activities and introduction of informal educational practices.

Activities implemented within the project:


  • An educational trail of 1 km was developed in the Golak Mountain and information and educational boards were prepared and set up,


  • didactic materials were reprinted,


  • trail map was developed and printed out, and distributed to schools in the Bregalnica region,
  • educational and research activities were carried out in nature with the educational institutions from the target region.

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