Outcomes of nature conservation programme in North Macedonia (ncp) presented at the 6th congress of ecologists with international participants
The 6th Congress of Ecologists with international participants, organized by the Macedonian Ecological Society (MES), was held in Ohrid between 15 and 18 October.
As part of the Congress there was a symposium dedicated to the Nature Conservation Programme (NCP), a project by the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency (SDC). The Farmahem team, as NCP coordinator, and MES representatives involved in the implementation of specific components of the Programme, presented the key innovative approaches and outcomes, with 6 oral presentations and 15 poster presentations.
Certificates of appreciation were awarded to organizations and individuals at the session dedicated to the 50th anniversary of MES. Farmahem and NCP were presented with certificates of appreciations, while the NCP team leader Marjana Shushlevska received a certificate for her achievements in nature conservation.
The Congress was attended by more than 200 participants from North Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia, Bulgaria, Poland, Greece, Slovenia, Croatia and others.