Maleshevo proclaimed as protected area – protected landscape
With a decision of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia at its 127 session, part of Maleshevo will become a category V protected area – protected landscape.
The long-time research into the natural values, as part of the Nature Conservation Programme (NCP), the application of Swiss experience in such processes, as well as the participative approach with various relevant stakeholders, contributed to the success of the process.

The presence of numerous internationally and nationally important species and habitats, important geodiversity sites, cultural heritage as well as the centuries-old interaction between man and nature which resulted in significant landscape diversity, make Maleshevo particularly worthy of conservation. In accordance with the government’s decision, the PE National Forests will manage the Maleshevo protected area, while NCP will provide additional support during the development of the Management Plan and strengthening the capacities of the Management body.

The process for declaring Maleshevo as a protected area was carried out as part of the Nature Conservation Programme (NCP), a project by the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency (SDC), coordinated by Farmahem from Skopje. The local expertise in the process comes from the Macedonian Ecological Society – MES, with support from the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning – MEPP and the target municipalities of Berovo and Pehchevo.