
Publication Biodiversity in the Lower Parts of Bregalnica River Published

Within the Nature Conservation Programme in Macedonia – phase 2, as part of the activities of the component for “improving the status of natural values in the Bregalnica region”, with restoration of the riparian vegetation through increasing the surface of riparian forests in the lower parts of Bregalnica River, the publication “Biodiversity in the lower parts of Bregalnica River” was developed, which can be accessed on the following link:  https://www.bregalnica-ncp.mk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Bioloska_raznovidnost_po_dolniot_tek_na_Bregalnica.pdf

The publication is educational and its aim is to raise the awareness of the local population. It presents some of the specific species of animals and fungi found in the riparian belt in the lower reaches of River Bregalnica . It is also a sequel to the publication Riparian Belts in the Lower Part of Bregalnica (2019), which describes in detail the characteristic tree species and other vegetation that define this forest belt.

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