
Coordination Meeting to Review Proposal for Proclaiming Osogovo Mountains Protected Area

The Nature Conservation Programme in North Macedonia – Phase 2 on 30 May 2019 (Thursday), Skopje, organised a coordination meeting for the key stakeholders to review the boundaries and the zoning of the proposed area for protection, Osogovo Mountains, adapted in accordance with economic activities.

The meeting was attended by senior representatives of all key stakeholders: the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, PE National Forests, the Centre for Development of the East Planning Region, the municipalities of Kocani, Makedonska Kamenica, Kriva Palanka and Probistip, the Macedonian Ecological Society, as well as representatives of the programme coordination team and the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency.

The attendees accepted the proposed boundaries and zoning of the proposed area for protection, Osogovo Mountains, while the Study for valorization of natural values is expected to be completed by the end of June. After the Valorization Study is submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, a campaign will be launched as part of the Programme about the future protected area, as well as a series of public events and meetings with all stakeholders, after which the entire process should wrap up with a Government decision to proclaim the protected area.

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