Members of the working group for pilot regional forest management plan in Maleshevo in educational visit to Slovenia
In the period between 4 and 7 July 2018, as part of the Nature Conservation Programme, seven members of the working group for the Regional Forest Management Plan (RFMP) in Malesevo went to an educational visit to Slovenia in order to gain experience about regional forest management in Slovenia.
The main guide and organizer of the visit to Slovenia’s forests was Renata Rozman from the Skocjan Caves Regional Park, coordinator of the project MobiTour INTERREG V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020. The visit was organized in cooperation with the Skocjan Caves park and Slovenia’s Forest Service, where representatives from the Nature Conservation Institute, the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food of Slovenia, the PE for Forest Management in Slovenia, representatives of the Ljubljana municipality as well as private forest owners shared their experience in regional forest planning.
During the visit the working group representatives had the opportunity to learn about the approach to forest management in Slovenia, including the activities for meeting the Natura 2000 requirements for forest management, as well as nature conservation from the aspect of forestry. The participants also learnt about the management of special purpose forests in Ljubljana, the positive and negative aspects in the process and the implementation of RFMP Postojna, as well as forest management in the UNESCO protected Skocjan Caves Regional Park.
The experience gained and the practical examples during the visit to Slovenia will be of great help for the development of RFMP in Malesevo, particularly for the application of participative approach and cooperation between institutions and the integration of the various functions of forests, without disturbing natural balances. The group that visited Slovenia consisted of representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, the Ministry of Economy – Department for Tourism, the Macedonian Ecological Society, PE Macedonian Forests, Pehcevo municipality, the Centre for Development of the East Planning Region as well as a representative of the Nature Conservation Programme in Macedonia.