Integrated Forest Management


Integrated forest management means concrete measures addressing issues on adaptation to climate change and measures for their mitigation as well as for protection of biodiversity.

In the first phase of the NCP, cooperation was established between the Faculty of Forestry, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje and the Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH-HAFL), Switzerland, with the purpose of exchanging experience and knowledge between the two institutions about new approaches in forest management and protection of biodiversity through: improving the curriculum at the Skopje Faculty of Forestry; supporting undergraduate and postgraduate thesis of Macedonian and Swiss students and their work in pairs, as well as organizing block-lectures in the Bregalnica region.

The support for cooperation between the two institutions will continue in the Programme’s second phase, with exchange of experience and capacity strengthening based on the improved curriculum at the Skopje Faculty of Forestry. The strengthening of the dialogue between different stakeholders will continue in the second phase through the development and testing of a Regional Forest Management Plan in the upper part of Bregalnica River, including the principles of sustainable forest management.

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