Establishing Protected Areas and Natural Rarities in the Bregalnica Region


Protected areas are established for the protection of biodiversity within natural habitats, the processes that occur in nature as well as the abiotic characteristics and landscape versatility, at the same time ensuring socio-economic benefits for the local population. In order to start the process of establishing protected areas in the Bregalnica region, as part of the Programme, an Ecological GAP analysis and ecological sensitivity map for the region of interest were made, when the potential areas for protection were identified.

With the Programme’s support, through a wider consultative and participative process, three scenarios will be developed for protected areas in the Bregalnica region and the most adequate one will be selected. It will also support the preparation of the necessary documents for declaration of protected areas as well as for establishing an adequate management structure. Support will be also provided for the activities for revitalization of riparian vegetation, as an important habitat in the Bregalnica region and for developing standard data forms for potential Natura 2000 areas.

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