Visit by Ruedi Ritter as Part of the Activities for Support of Beekeeping
The activities for support of beekeeping form part of the agricultural biodiversity conservation component in the Nature Conservation Programme in Macedonia. In the period from 19 to 23 November 2015, Swiss beekeeping expert Ruedi Ritter carried out his first mission in Macedonian within the NCP.
A visit was paid to several apiaries in the Bregalnica region in order to get familiarised with beekeeping practices in Macedonia and with the methods of beekeeping. With the aim of exchanging experiences in this field, meetings were organised with Macedonian experts on beekeeping.
On 21 November, the town of Vinica hosted a workshop intended for the beekeepers from the region, where Swiss experience with beekeeping, as well as opportunities for beekeeping in Macedonia, were presented. As part of an interactive discussion with the participants, needs and possibilities were analysed for including activities for support of beekeeping in the NCP for next year.